"We sure appreciate you guys and want you to know all the program participants [using the
Rebellion to Responsibility workbooks] really enjoy the class."
Beth from Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, IL (
Identified! Ministries)
"I was not so interested in the Bible before you came but you changed that. I read now and it has strengthened me to ask 4 people to come to my church. They are now members. I learned to make a budget. Now I work with my husband on finances. We did not work together before your class."
Haitian Deacon's Wife (
Seedtime and Harvest Ministry)
"You opened my eyes more. I stopped doing some things I used to do. I think differently now. I think differently about how I do my work. I think of God as my boss now. I read the Bible before you came but I was not so interested in it. Now I read each night before I go to bed."
Haitian Boy in his late teens (
Seedtime and Harvest Ministry)