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- Category: MasterLife Ministries
- Category: Pete's Parables
- Category: PLEDGEtalk
- Divorce Proof Your Marriage Online Summit
- Do your words matter?
- How do I address falling out of love?
- CHANGE…is waiting
- Watch part 2 of “Loving Well Through Conflict” with JoLynn Bright of HopeNet
- “We can’t communicate!”
- Studio 2501 HopeNet video podcast with PLEDGEtalk
- A GOOD communication tip for all! – PLEDGEtalk
- So my simple question: how can I be of help?
- A positive to the Corona Virus???
- Category: Seedtime and Harvest Ministry
- Our Bible study last week must have been satisfying for the students
- God made something great…out of something small.
- Christian discipleship is in full swing again
- He finds strength in God
- Bouncing back from a rough December…
- Nehemiah said the day was holy to the Lord. If it doesn’t feel holy, does it nullify the day?
- Who said, “Oh sovereign Lord, you alone know”?
- Now I am free.
- Discipleship was being learned the hard way.
- If you’ve already voted or still need to vote…
- Radio broadcast time continues to increase for Seedtime in Haiti!
- 1st visit to Radio Tabernacle de Gloire
- Our discipleship Bible ministry didn’t plan on radio programming, but here it is.
- Christian discipleship gets two more days of on-air time each week
- Just when you think you’re sharpening others…. maybe not.
- Do you lower the standards to enter?
- They [The words of God] are not just idle words …. they are your life.
- What has dirt for floors and shiny new tin for walls?
- Loud vs Quiet news in Haiti
- God is at work in Haiti
- Are we ready to join him in unplanned moments?
- When your assignment from God is embarrassingly small…
- It’s not clickbait. It’s persevering in Haiti for Discipleship Ministry.
- Everything that is illuminated becomes a light
- Don’t have a Coffee drinking calendar? Neither do we!
- Are You Strong Enough?
- Haiti continues making bad decisions yet God’s love perseveres
- Relentless…
- The Pastor said it out loud
- The emphasis on Biblical Finance is found in Ecclesiastes
- Prayer assignment #1 for 2024
- Three FM radio stations in one day!
- It’s a solid finish to a good year!
- The Christmas Story for Tweeters
- God provides
- It’s not harvest time, but seeding time is alive and well
- Who are all these candidates?
- It’s in the text…
- There are no soft rocks
- The usual part…questioning the Bible
- It started off a little hesitant, cynical and challenging…
- The odds were that it wouldn’t happen…
- “Movie Night” Is NOT a softened message
- Burning the voodoo dolls
- “Toxic” and “Formidable” : New job requirements in Haiti
- The line moved!
- We’ve been in Kentucky recently …
- The Pastor shut down our Bible study …
- We’re not quite sure what’s happening…
- Mother’s Day is coming….we have some challenging thoughts….
- Supplies arrived, Jesus Resurrected and the photo you don’t want to be in…
- Looking for Jesus at Easter
- God’s rain is meant to bring salvation and righteousness.
- Taking the long view of life…Biblically and practically.
- A Little Bit of Nothin’
- Forward… Step by Step… In Faith
- It’s out of our hands…
- Prayers and Praises…
- You will see them with your own eyes
- What NOT to say on Christmas day…
- Normal…what is it and what does it mean?
- Some make money their master…
- Crack…A plumber, a druggie, what comes to mind?
- Instead of thousands of words….
- The times, they be a tottering!
- Even with good intentions folks miss a lot of good information…
- Will you cancel (sacrifice) part of your schedule?
- Can we have too much wealth and turn our backs on God?
- Quality… Depends on what you’re looking for
- There is a lot to learn from the day to day un-glamorous life.
- Some study publicly in our seminars…others study privately
- The road ahead is getting a bit more interesting…
- Frantz got 12 minutes…
- Steady plodding
- Update on our friend Frantz…
- Planting the Seed of God’s Word has gone wonderfully…
- Somebody must be praying!
- It looks good on paper.
- It’s not personal, she said.
- A day of small beginnings…
- Discipleship often requires a seriously humbling start
- When God’s provision is not really what you want.
- John the Baptist inspired us to a better resolution.
- Forbes magazine tells us how many people pay up when they co-sign a loan.
- The Bible says what it says… Unless I need it to say something else
- You won’t find a better short summary of these events
- 6 very brief points in Seedtime’s mission work
- For a mere $20.00 I can make your troubles disappear. That is the offer. What do you say?
- If God said…
- Random phrases heard in our discipleship presentation…
- In No Special Order?
- A Good Problem to Have…
- We are a discipleship ministry that is worth a second look…
- Pray for Haiti, please.
- What do you say when your really good story is getting no attention?
- If God were offering you ‘True Riches”… what exactly might you be looking for?
- Another Bible seminar almost didn’t happen.
- Finally…. a class, our Bible study, it finally happened…yay!
- Re-directing our understanding of what scripture is trying to say
- Guidance, in One Verse…
- The door of opportunity is opening once more. Can we walk through it together?
- In tough times it’s nice to find an ADVANTAGE
- Riddle time? What is quiet and good and also quiet and bad?
- “The only people dissatisfied are the ones who did not come.”
- It is time… for the next Bible teaching moments in Haiti.
- Time to Fly
- Taking advantage of friendship
- Turning one into 12
- Surprise! and you say so what…
- It’s Easy….to send a Photo
- Are We Okay?
- Big Favor Request
- Is there a verse that says what happens when God agrees with you?
- If you are going in the opposite direction of God’s counsel do you expect to find His blessings in your life?
- So Heavenly minded we are no earthly good.
- There should be no poor among you.
- Stick with me for a moment. The end gets better.
- Colorful buses and trucks in Haiti…they are all over.
- Looking for SOMETHING in the news that is not exactly coronavirus centered!!
- Expectations, as we get ready to roll…
- Yep, that’s my car. Wanna ride?
- Joy, Greater Joy…..
- Changing…
- It had been a few weeks without hearing from our friend Frantz. We finally received one message…
- The People of Haiti are in the streets….
- There is “Nothing New Under the Sun”, we are told.
- This is a special time for Haiti…. a crisis time.
- A whole lot of the same. Patience please…
- We are very concerned about Haiti these days…
- Humble Yourself and Return to the Beginning…
- Red Light, Green Light…
- The Website is up and runnin’!
- As if hurricane and other natural disasters is not enough…
- Road closed ahead…
- Moving from Seedtime to Harvest
- Category: SSM Information
- Category: Uncategorized