Julian and Natalie Weber love coming alongside others to help them discover and live out God’s calling for their lives. Through their own unique journeys, they have experienced the power of God’s Word to transform their lives and the work of His Spirit to bring redemption and restoration.
Their four children are a great blessing and gift from God, and they are grateful for the opportunity to teach them and invest in their lives. Traveling (both with and without their kids!) is one of their favorite activities, so there is usually a trip of some sort in the works!
The addiction recovery arm of Identified! Ministries involves the cost-free Rebellion to Responsibility workbook, in which Julian explores the underlying thinking patterns that ultimately led him to the concrete floor of a jail cell. Other recovering addicts and alcoholics have used this workbook to walk alongside Julian and find hope to overcome whatever addictions or thinking patterns are destroying their own lives and relationships.

Ryan – “Eye opening reality, unbelievable, and scary. Just some of the few words that don’t even come close to describing what it feels like when you come face to face with things you have done in your life. This became especially real for me when we went over the book ‘Rebellion to Responsibility.’ As each chapter revealed more of Mr. Weber’s life and struggle, I felt a kinship with him as many of the things he went through I had as well. One similarity was that I also started my journey by taking pain killers. I also lost my wife to a drug overdose. I’ve lost family, friends, crashed racing cars, and spent over $100,000 on drugs. But this book helped me work through things putting God in the driver seat instead of Ryan. It encouraged me to continue to seek God’s face knowing that there is something God has in store for me. Just like He has for anyone if we let God be number one. You can get caught up thinking there is so much more to say and experience, but if you are struggling with drugs or alcohol, please be still and let God work with you. Just like God did for me through all the counselors and teachers in our program and especially through the book ‘Rebellion to Responsibility.'”
Bonita – “My name is Bonita and I am one of the counselors for the New Day Program at Pacific Garden Mission [in Chicago]. I also teach several of the classes for the program and one of the classes I teach is using the book ‘Rebellion to Responsibility.’ This book is provided free to us by Julian Weber and his ministry and is a blessing not only because as a nonprofit faith-based ministry we are constantly looking for materials that incorporate God’s word into recovery, but also because it is free! When I teach this class, many times clients who wouldn’t ordinarily open up and contribute to the discussions join in as they can relate to what is being covered for the week. For example, in chapter 4, Julian relates how in the beginning he didn’t think he had a problem with drugs. We hear this all the time from our participants and because they can relate, they listen closely to the rest of what is covered in the lessons. I was a heroin addict for 25 years and realize how important it is to be able to share your story so that others can have hope and heal. Thank you for sharing your story and your resources to help others in recovery.”
Ricky – Through ‘Rebellion to Responsibility’, “I learned that addiction can destroy your life spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially. It destroys families and in the end it will destroy you. Addiction will have you in a dark place, a downward spiral, a trap you cannot escape alone. It is like lighting a match in a forest and dropping it – if left alone and not dealt with it will destroy everything in its path. I have learned that we are responsible for the direction in which our lives go. Every choice we make has good or bad results depending on the choice. We cannot blame anyone for our circumstances. If we make irresponsible choices, we will have irresponsible results. My life was crazy because of my rebellion against God, I lost everything. I had no hope. That is what addiction does. It sucks you dry until you have nothing left to give and if you continue that last thing you will give will be your life. Today I have hope because of Jesus Christ. I am free from addiction. Now life is worth living, I don’t have to ever return to that other life unless I choose to. Our arms are too short to box with God and definitely too short to box with addiction. In the end you won’t win. Stay sober and trust God.”