We at Shepherd's Staff Ministries understand that the medical expenses are going to be more then the Pinedos can handle, anticipated to be somewhere from $500,000 to over $1 million. Ricardo and his family do not have medical insurance of any kind, are ineligible to receive federal aid, and are …
So Heavenly minded we are no earthly good.
Howdy Seedtime Friends,So Heavenly minded we are no earthly good. It can happen to the best of us. I expect everyone has a story to tell on both sides of the issue. In our short Seedtime Ministry Update for May 30, 2020 we offer a chance to motivate boys to get back into school in …
There should be no poor among you.
Howdy Seedtime Friends,There should be no poor among you.While we cannot enter Haiti now, we can enter American lives and discuss ideas from the Bible in preparation for future Haiti missions. In just one page our Seedtime Ministry Update for May 16, 2020 will look at success with Haiti …