Four out of five couples tell me that in the first two minutes of my time with them!And I KNOW this is not just the case with the couples who come into my office. This is a problem everywhere!Zerrin and I want to invite YOU to join us April 20 - 23, Thursday night through Sunday morning, …
Studio 2501 HopeNet video podcast with PLEDGEtalk
Zerrin and I recently had the privilege of being the guests on the Studio 2501 HopeNet video podcast with our host and dear friend, Jo Lynn Bright. We had a wonderful experience and wanted to share it with you this week. it is today or any …
A Little Bit of Nothin’
Howdy Seedtime Friends, It's a little bit of nothin' or so we imagine.On second thought, let's see if God gets a hold of it.Seedtime's Newsletter for Jan/Feb 2023 is attached here →→→ Jan Feb 2023 NewsletterIt's two short pages with lots of great photos.Please remember... if you …