As if hurricane and other natural disasters is not enough, the people in Haiti are creating yet another season of difficult times. That information, with a Biblical perspective is in our ministry update. Please click the link to read our newsletter.Seedtime Update July 20 2019 …
Road closed ahead…
Road Closed Ahead...We are not at a point where travel to Haiti is impossible. However, it is especially hard these days to get around once you are there. People we know who are on the ground in Haiti say they can not get where they want to go. A variety of challenges are playing out, such …
Moving from Seedtime to Harvest
Pastor Fresnel Auguste leaned over during church one morning in Haiti and said to me, "you didn't teach him." What my friend was saying to me was that the young man in front of us who was leading the Sunday school class for the morning had been taught by those in the church who had been students of …